Here's Why the Upper Plane Will Be Without Water for Days


SAN ANGELO, TX – City of San Angelo water officials have been fielding questions about why it will take days to restore water to the upper plane.  

Here is the latest from city officials: 

We are receiving questions asking why our water tanks aren’t refilling quickly and why we haven’t regained water pressure yet. Based on information provided by the Water Utilities Department, the usage of water from areas of town that have water are preventing the City from repressurizing the lines, despite repairs to ongoing leaks.

We need everyone to conserve water as much as possible. Less usage will help our water tanks refill. Right now, everyone’s usage is limiting the refill ability at our water plants. Please only use water for flushing toilets and boiling water for drinking and cooking if you do not have bottled water.

Please remember we are still under a boil water notice, so water needs to be boiled before consumption. This has been a difficult week for all of us; we need everyone’s help to get our water system back online as quickly as possible.

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