San Angelo Leads the Way with the 2020 West Texas Moving Forward Conference


SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce hosted the 2020 West Texas Moving Forward Conference on Tuesday which featured some of the top speakers in Texas.

The event was held, on August 11, at the McNease Convention Center. It brought in experts from key industrial sectors to San Angelo to share their knowledge and opinions regarding the state of West Texas moving forward. The event held a numbers of speakers that spoke on Topics such as energy, agriculture, economics, and education. 

The main two speakers at the conference were US Representative Mike Conaway and chancellor of the Texas Tech University System and president of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Tedd L Mitchell. 

The two discussed things that should be expected to see in the next upcoming legislative session, how Texas infrastructure is maintaining during the pandemic, and how to get children back into the classroom. 

Many San Angelo leaders were in attendance including Mayor Brenda Gunter, Vice President of Economic Development Michael Looney, Angelo State's future president Lieutenant General Ronnie D. Hawkins Jr., and many more. 

This annual event is normally held at Angelo State but was moved to the McNease Convention Center.

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