Border Remains Closed to Non-Essential Crossings in Response to COVID-19


DEL RIO, TX — The Department of Homeland Security will continue to limit non-essential travel at U.S. land ports of entry with Canada and Mexico.

DHS said this “extension protects Americans while keeping essential trade and travel flowing as we reopen the American economy.”

The DHS said the purpose of the border restrictions is to insure the free flow of trade while restricting what they call “non-essential” border crossings. The restrictions were codified in agreements with the governments of both Mexico and Canada.

While the border restrictions are in place, the Customs and Border Patrol, or CBP, will not detain illegal immigrants in stateside holding facilities. Instead, those crossing the border illegally are immediately returned to the country they entered from – Canada or Mexico.

Where such a return is not possible, CBP returns these aliens to their country of origin.

These border restrictions were implemented on March 21 and have been extended throughout the COVID-19 response. The latest extension was made on June 16, continuing the restrictions until July 21, 2020.

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