SAN ANGELO, TX – Early voting in Texas for the March Democratic and Republican party primaries begins Tuesday and runs through Friday, Feb. 28 in the elections office at the Keyes building in downtown San Angelo.
Candidates in the Republican primary for Congressman, State Representative, Tom Green County Sheriff and County Commissioner Pct. 1 have been campaigning for months and Tuesday voters take over and begin casting ballots for the nominee on the Nov. 3 general election.
Sample ballots are available here.
The Democratic party primary ballot in Tom Green County has no candidates for any local races. San Angeloan John Mark Hogg is running unopposed for U.S House of Representatives, C.D.11. Hogg is the only local candidate on the ballot which includes the race for President, U.S. Senator, C.D.11 Representative, Railroad Commissioner, Chief Justice Texas Supreme Court, Supreme Court Justice for Places 6,7, and 8, Court of Criminal Appeals Places 3,4 and 9, State Board of Education member District 15, and Chief Justice Texas 3rd Court of Appeals. Sarah Eckel of San Angelo is running unopposed for Tom Green County Democratic Chair.
There are 11 non-binding Democratic Party ballot propositions.
The Republican party primary ballot in Tom Green county has a candidate for every office, most of whom are incumbents running unopposed including State Senator Charles Perry, 3rd Court of Appeals Chief Justice Jeff Rose, 51st District Judge Carmen Dusek, 119th District Judge Ben Woodward, 340th District Judge Jay Weatherby, 391st District Judge Brad Goodwin, 51st District Attorney Allison Palmer, 119th District Attorney John Best, Tom Green County Attorney Chris Taylor, Tom Green County Tax Assessor Becky Robles, Tom Green County Constable Pct. 1 Mike Magee, and Tom Green County Republican Party Chair Jeff Betty.
The Republican Party primary ballot also includes President, United States Senator, U.S. House of Representatives District 11, Railroad Commissioner, Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court Justice for Places 6,7, and 8, Court of Criminal Appeals Justice Places 3,4 and 9, Member of the State Board of Education District 15.
There are 10 non-binding Republican Party ballot propositions.
Each party is holding a separate primary to determine their nominee for the Nov 3. general election so voters can either cast a ballot in the Democratic primary or the Republican primary.
Early voting in person in the Keyes building will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday; and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday Feb. 24 to Friday Feb. 28.
Primary election day is Tuesday March 3 at these locations.
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