SAN ANGELO, TX – Goodfellow Air Force Base could be getting a warrior dog training facility, a hardened electric grid, and an emergency management operations command trailer if Dr. Carol Ann Bonds' latest grant is approved by the Texas Military Preparedness Commission.
Dr. Bonds, former superintendent of the San Angelo ISD, currently serves as a commissioner on the Texas Military Preparedness Commission; and the Air Force Chief of Staff's Civic Leader Program and Education Training and Command Program and on the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce's Goodfellow AFB Military Affairs Committee.
Bonds outlined a Resolution in support of the latest Defense Economic Adjustment Assistant Grant (DEAAG), for which the county will apply. Bonds says the county has successfully applied for and administrated four previous DEAAG grants from the Governor's office which provided for remodeling projects on base.
Bonds told commissioners during their regular meeting Tuesday the grant is the largest application they have applied for; $5 million. The grants require matching funds from local sources. Bonds told the court her group has secured $5.4 million in matching funds and that puts the application in very good shape. The grants will be scored in March.
"The grant includes three kinds of resiliency." Bonds said. "protection for the electric grid...human and warrior dog resiliency...(and) an emergency management trailer for first responders."
Bonds said the resiliency for the electric grid includes cyber security and would expand out into the city of San Angelo and the county if the grant is approved.
Bonds explained that, "Our young people weren't physically ready, especially the intel airmen so the second resiliency will be human and warrior dog resiliency." That project would include a covered facility for warrior dog training and deployment.
Bonds said the third type of resiliency included in the grant application is communications. It includes an emergency management incident command trailer and new technology radios for first responders.
Commissioners approved the resolution supporting the grant application unanimously. If approved, the county would administer the grant and oversee construction of the new facilities on base.
Launching a new mission at Goodfellow AFB adds to its resiliency, resisting closure of the base should the U.S. Armed Forces ever embark on a Base Closing and Realignment, or BRAC.
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