Former SAPD Sgt Joins the Tom Green County Sherff's Office


SAN ANGELO, TX – After a short live retirement of three days, Sgt. Fred Sturm has returned to public service as a Sergeant Investigator for the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office. 

On Friday afternoon Sturm was honored for his 36 years of service with the San Angelo Police Department during a retirement ceremony. During his farewell speech, he spoke about his passion for the job and how he would miss his SAPD family.

WATCH: Former SAPD Sgt joins the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office

On Tuesday morning Sgt. Sturm was sworn in at the sheriff’s office and will begin working right away. Chief Deputy Hanna welcomed Sgt. Sturm to the sheriff’s office and expressed how fortunate they feel to have a new deputy with strong connections to the community and vast knowledge of the city.

Sturm was sworn in by Judge Eddy Howard and the judge expressed to Sturm he had been sad to hear Sturm was retiring from the police department but was excited to see he would be joining the sheriff’s office a begin a new chapter in his professional career.

Sgt. Sturm was joined by his wife and several members of the SAPD during the ceremony.

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