Welcome to San Angelo LIVE!


Hello everybody, and welcome to the new San Angelo LIVE!.

If you knew us in the past, you know what we’re about: Providing up-to-date news and features from right here in the Concho Valley, not to mention our famous events calendar.

We’re stepping it up this time, and are aiming to be your primary source for all things San Angelo. So, new or old, take a look around, ‘cause things have changed at the LIVE! office, and we’re here to serve you.

In line with our official re-launch, we’re featuring bios and introductions from our new all-star staff, but we also want to hear from you. Got a story idea or a great local photo? Hit us up! Let’s rock this town!

Subscribe to the LIVE! Daily

The LIVE! Daily is the "newspaper to your email" for San Angelo. Each content-packed edition has weather, the popular Top of the Email opinion and rumor mill column, news around the state of Texas, news around west Texas, the latest news stories from San Angelo LIVE!, events, and the most recent obituaries. The bottom of the email contains the most recent rants and comments. The LIVE! daily is emailed 5 days per week. On Sundays, subscribers receive the West Texas Real Estate LIVE! email.


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