Man Arrested for Being on Meth Causing a Crash and Indecency with a Child


ABILENE, TX -- A man was arrested on Tuesday after being wanted for crashing into a woman while being high on meth and also touching a 10-year-old child.

In September of 2017, Marcus Torres, 31, was driving down HWY 277 in his pick-up truck while he was high on meth. Torres crossed into the on-coming lane of traffic and crashed into another pick-up truck head on killing the driver, Sarah Garcia. 

In April of 2018, Torres' neighbor contacted the Abilene Police Department about Torres touching their 10-year-old child. According to KTXS, the victim told police that she fell asleep at Torres' house. When she woke up, he was putting his hands on her underwear.

A warrant was issued for Torres for manslaughter and indecency with a child on May 16. 

Torres was arrested and booked into the Taylor County Jail on May 20. His bond is set at $90,000 bond. 

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