WATCH: Paintbrush Alley Reveals New "Giant" Theme


SAN ANGELO, TX -- The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce went down into Paintbrush Alley yesterday to have the opening ceremony for the new "Giant" theme. 

The non-profit organization "Art in Uncommon Places" has been working on the rehabilitation on the alley way since 2012. The leaders of AUP went to the city and asked them if they could have a spot in town for local artists to express and preform their creative ability. "Give them the alley, what can they do?" was the quote when they moved down there and now the alley is hoping to become a staple in the San Angelo's revamped downtown area. 

The theme was picked after one of the artist went to an art show that also had the theme of the book and movie "Giant". The woman fell in love with the theme and brought it to the board of the AUP. The board thought that this would be a great fit for San Angelo with its western theme. 

The event started with some words from the chamber followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony for the alleyway. Here is the video of that ribbon cutting: 

President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Bruce Partain showed his excitement for the city as well as the business benefits that would come from the alley way. "Great civilizations are known for their art," said Partain. "Our duties as businessmen and women are to support the arts." 

The funding for the project is completely from donations and grants. Also the money given to them does not go towards any of the people working with AUP instead all of the money goes to art supplies and projects.

"The main thing we wanted was a spot for artists to be recognized in San Angelo," said Joy Thomas one of the leaders of AUP. One of the main things that donations have given the alleyway was that all of the windows in the alley were plexiglass and that the large murals on the wall would be sealed to give it double the life expectancy. 

Paintbrush alley is located in the alley way on the corner of Concho ave. and Irving st. 

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