Concho Valley Republican Women Hosts Back the Badge


SAN ANGELO, TX —The Concho Valley Republican Women hosted this year's "Back the Badge" on Tuesday. 

The event was held at the San Angelo Fine Arts Museum. It was held to show appreciation to all first responders. 

The event was full with San Angelo Police Department officers, Tom Green County Sheriff Deputies, DPS Agents, as well as Firefighters and EMS medics. We saw San Angelo Mayor Brenda Gunter, County Commissioner Rick Bacon, and San Angelo ISD school board president Lanny Layman there, too. All of the law enforcement that was there were encouraged to bring their families and over 200 guests were served throughout the celebration. 

The woman greeted everyone with a smile and severed pulled pork sandwiches with a large table full of deserts. They were also given bags of candies that were symbolic for a number of things. They served Lifesavers because they are one, caramel for the sticky situations they get people out of, 100 grand because they don't do it for the money, a lollipop for an extra "pop" of energy, Mint Patty to keep cool in heated situations, Snickers for their sense of humor, and finally Hershey Kisses to show all of them love for the work that they do.

This event was a great way for law enforcement, the community and the Republican women to come together and raise awareness of the roles all play in keeping families safe.


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