SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce hosted Col. Ricky Mills and company with the Goodfellow Air Force Base for a state of Goodfellow address on Tuesday.
Col. Mills is the head of the 17th training wing in the United States Air Force. He is also in charge of three different units across the nation. One in California, one in Florida, and one also in Arizona. Mills is a San Angelo native, a central graduate, and a Texas A&M graduate. Since graduating Mills has made a career in being an intel officer and then a worked his way up to the head of Goodfellow in 2017.
Mills started out his address by saying how happy he was living in San Angelo with his army-wife and children. He then expressed that he is most excited for the "next generation" of soldiers. "There is no more memorizing your way through training," said Mills. "Goodfellow has started a new style of teaching that trains students to think critically and be able to communicate." Goodfellow has 1,284 active military on base as well as 2,600 students daily, 1,100 civilians that work on base, and 1,800 dependents.
Some of the brightest of the next generation will come thru Goodfellow due to it being the number one spot for every fire and intelligence students in the United States. The base also has a partnered with San Angelo ISD, Angelo State University, and University of Texas to recruit as well as get instructors higher education. Angelo State and the National Security Association is also making big strides together as they have signed an agreement that wil allow students who complete training to receive and transfer college credit towards a degree.
The new strategy for National Defense was a main speaking point for Col. Mills. He explained the three points; Lethality and Readiness, Alliances and Partnerships, and Better Business Practices. "This isn't the same tactic that I was taught when I went through training in the 90s," said Mills. "As competitors are nearing us in technology we must focus on them, but also still keep an eye on terrorism. Some of these competitors may gain on us in technology, but they do not always have the same morals as Americans." Mills believes that one of the main focuses he has as an intelligence airmen is teaching the students to outsmart their adversaries.
For the second time in five years Goodfellow won the Altus Trophy which is given to the air force base with the best support to the community. They are the only AFB to receive this trophy twice. Out of the 62 bases in the nation Goodfellow is number one in community installments with 31 signed agreements as well as 12 in progress. They also put on a Retiree Appreciation day for the first time in six years were they celebrated the 4,000 retirees in San Angelo.
Col. Mills ended his address by thanking the chamber and by saying "By staying Lethal and Ready we can preserve the peace."
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