MTV Star Visits Angelo for Store Opening


A new store in San Angelo that sells music, men’s clothes and tickets celebrated its grand opening with a special guest appearance by Christopher “Big Black” Boykin from MTV’s “Rob and Big” Friday.

Fans were lined up down the block to meet Big, who passed out free autographs and photos San Angelo fans.

The store is owned by local San Angelo Promoter Big Sid, and managed by Gary Lara, both of which were very excited for the grand opening of Undefeated.

“Lots of businesses are scared to put stuff on the line,” Lara said in reference to lack of promotions in San Angelo, “but not us!”

Big Sid explained that his promotion company ‘Playaz Choice’ will still be bringing people in and doing more events like the grand opening.

“We’ll keep on bringing them in,” he said, “it’s a blessing to be able to do this.”

However, the excitement shown by the staff of Undefeated couldn’t rival the excitement shown by the crowd lining the block.

“We’ve been here since about 4:30,” said Britteny, a fan of Big, “we were the first ones in line.”

With the majority of the fans being school-aged, 4:30 p.m. was the earliest any of them could arrive.

Warren Rutledge explained why he and his friends were there so early, “[We want to] meet Big Black and check out the clothes,” he stated with excitement, while Britteny agreed, “Everything looks bad ass; it’s a place I would spend money.”

Even Big was excited to be in San Angelo, Big Sid explained, “He was like, ‘I don’t want to stay in the hotel, bring me around.’”

Big even left a permanent indication of his time here on his twitter account.

“Christopher Boykin ‏@BigBlackSan Angelo my 12hr here have been great didn't like your Twin Peaks Location there [sic] better in Dallas but overall ok!”

More information on Undefeated can be found on their Facebook page at Or on Twitter @UndefeatedWTX

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