Woman Jailed After Jaywalking on 10th Public Intoxication Charge


A female San Angeloan received her ninth and 10th public intoxication charges on Sunday, when the San Angelo police stopped her for walking with traffic and jaywalking, only to find that she was also intoxicated. The PI charges bring the woman to a total of 10 since 1999, among others including DWI, assault and resisting arrest.

Twenty-two additional individuals were put behind bars on Sunday, three for DWI, two for theft/burglary, an additional two for PI, one for a previous forgery charge, one for assault and one for racing on highway.

Twenty-two inmates were released from the county jail on Sunday.

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This woman is an alcoholic. It's unfortunate the people in her life which are apparently her best friends have never told her she has a drinking problem or she obviously knows, but simply doesn't care. There are some remedies. During one of her drunken stupors, she may accidentally kill herself or kill someone else. Or she can admit she has a problem and decide to quit. We all have free will but people seem to not use it much. The final option is be-heading, but some may feel it's too extreme. Incidentally, the be-heading is something JD and Lisa would rather reserve for me I'm sure:-)
shaderunner, Mon, 07/07/2014 - 15:23
Yeah, right...she can't "decide to quit" drinking any more than you and a number of others on here could decide to let one article post without putting your two cents worth in.
Shade runner, you hypocrite! You read our two cents then give your two cents about us giving our two cents. Let's call you pot and call me kettle, we are both the same Mr almighty.
She needs a descent lawyer on speed dial. Sounds like SA finest harassment to me. For a PI charge to stick the Popo has to prove she was a threat to others or herself. Walking with the flow of traffic is a stretch meant to give the DA the proof she was a danger to herself.

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