AUSTIN, TX – (Press Release) Candidate for U.S. Senate, Francis “Beto” O’Rourke stated that he believes that there is “…nothing more American…” than kneeling during the National Anthem. Republican Party of Texas Chairman James Dickey commented:
“Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke’s perception of what is ‘American’ is utterly flawed. Comments like his are a slap in the face to every man and woman who has ever served our nation and put their lives on the line to defend American values. This further demonstrates his failure to comprehend the values held by the voters of Texas while he runs tenaciously farther and farther to the left every day. Come November, it’s clear the voters of Texas will support Senator Ted Cruz because he represents the conservative values that have made Texas so great.”
Robert “Beto” O’Rourke made public comments on NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem at a townhall held in Houston. Watch it here:
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Where has he been accused of being a thief? Did I miss something? Also, they don't even keep his name consistent in this press release. Francis is his middle name.
Protesting and free speech are the greatest American values, I don't understand why people have a problem with protests. If you don't believe in the right of free speech,and thus protesting what you view as unfair, then you are the real sheeple.
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PermalinkGo back where you came from.
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PermalinkReal Americans never criticize other Americans peacefully protesting. Sounds more like Russian tactics. The kind trump and his followers embrace.
I served, and it's no slap in the face but, the fruit of my labour......the right to protest!!
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PermalinkThe Right to protest has been thrown under the bus, by the author Yantis Green. Those members of the military he mentions have fought, and some have died to protect that Right. As a former military member, it was not our place to pick and chose the protests we agree or disagree with. Our place was only to protect the Right to protest. As an retired Command Sergeant Major once told me, "I may not agree with their protest, but I will defend their Right to their protest."
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PermalinkSome nerve. The author has no clue as to what American values are.
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PermalinkI fully support the right to protest peacefully on any subject, for any political purpose. What I disagree with is/was NFL players doing so while on the field representing their team and community. I firmly believe the NFL and the individual teams have the right to prohibit any political statements while they wear company uniforms, on the company's time. What they say and do out of uniform and off the field is their business. As a former civil servant, I was disallowed from any political activity while on duty and I understand why.
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PermalinkWhat exactly is it that they are protesting?
Too much money, food, religion, freedom? The right to be stoopid and make me watch it?
Beto can go pound sand along with the free-stuff crowd. I don't need another politician spending my grandchildren into the poor house.
Ba-bye Beto.
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PermalinkLying Ted has done exactly what he said he wasn't. Run up the deficit. Then run up the deficit, and then that fool helped trump and the folks in charge of the gov(billionaires) run up the deficit. What the country needs is a Tea party and conservative party worth a hoot.
Times up Rafael, if not this time, the next time for sure. And if you don't know by now what the protesting is about, you'll never get it.
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PermalinkThat is an irrelevant issue to the NFL player's protests. That is an issue between the NFL and the players. If the NFL chooses to not address the issue, and you disagree then put the blame "for on the clock" issue on the NFL.
Do I agree with the players protest? No, but the players have that Right to protest, but I also have the Right to ignore them and their employer.
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PermalinkWhen they are on nationwide TV, in uniform, representing the NFL, team and home city, the league or team has the right to prohibit protest, if they so desire. If Roger Goodell doesn't have the huevos to set the players straight, the team owners, like J. Jones, should be allowed to prohibit it under the former conditions. Goodell waffles simply because he's afraid to offend and won't challenge the prevailing "poor me" mentality.
After the game, and out of uniform, let them whine and whimper all over Twitter and FB if they so desire. If they are truly serious about reducing police brutality, learn how to behave when approached by a cop, comply with all commands, reply yes sir, no sir, and make no sudden moves. That alone would reduce police violence significantly.
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PermalinkThe employer/employee relationship is irrelevant to their Right to protest. Your complaint is with the employer's inability to control their employees.
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PermalinkReal Americans don't restrict rights guaranteed to other Americans in the US Constitution, no matter the where, when or why.
And that bullsh#t about being calm, quiet and compliant, gets you nowhere when cops yell out, "because your black" or "we only kill black people". Lots of video out there that shows just how different the rules are.
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PermalinkThere's just as many or more that show folks being argumentative, non-compliant, evading, in other words acting as if they have no obligation to follow the directions of a police officer. Yes, sometimes cops get nervous trigger fingers, I assert to the never ending training to use force if they fear for themselves, but the vast majority of videos I've seen that involved injury or death by cops showed folks who had no respect for the badge, no discipline to follow direction and refused to do as officers asked. When a cop tells me to get on the ground, or let me see your hands, I won't argue, yet some idiots do. I've never seen any video that involved cops saying anything remotely like your examples. I'm not saying they don't exist, I've just never seen it.
As far as your first statement, every civil service municipality in Texas and most other states prohibit their cops and firefighters from any political protest or campaigning while on duty. Is that a constitutional violation?
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PermalinkThere are no current restrictions with employment by the NFL. If and when the NFL gets some rules then it is up to the NFL to enforce them.
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PermalinkEvery American has the right to protest whatever they want - on their own time & NOT while representing an organization such as the a team, the NFL or the military. Military members are strictly prohibited from protesting anything while in uniform, because they are the face of whatever branch they belong to. This is the wrong way, wrong platform & wrong time to be protesting police brutality. I find it extraordinarily sad that these thugs picked this topic to protest. Just watch any of the TV reality police shows & you can easily see how stupid & noncompliant these folks are. If anything, they deserve to get some sense knocked into their pea-brains. We can’t do as we please without consequences. So, maybe we should call all this disrespectful kneeling “Black Privilege”...
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PermalinkI’m completely bewildered when the Beto supporters begin screaming that every American has the right to protest and censorship of the NFL is wrong because it takes away American’s rights, and then they are backing Beto for “common sense gun control” (taking away the rights of law abiding Americans) and “common sense immigration” (that would mean NO MORE ILLEGALS). I also believe funding the housing of all of these poor asylum seeking people (not eligible for asylum under United States Code) is against my rights as a taxpayer by spending US tax dollars on non US citizens. There is nothing sensible or constitutional in any kind of gun control and it makes zero common sense to keep letting our souther border be overrun by any dirtbag that decides they want to come to the USA. That’s not how immigration works. You can’t have it both ways! But, then again, it’s not your money paying for freeloaders, everyone wants free stuff and that’s Beto’s entire agenda. Maybe since Beto’s not Irish, he’s related to the late great socialist Mussolini...
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PermalinkName changes are funny.
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PermalinkNobody knows this guy? Also his record in Washington is crap and his own El Paso papers have him as anti church, and anti military at Ft Bliss. He has no Veterans groups that support him. Just made a mistake in NFL KNEELING. He’s a nobody
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Permalinkrun this POS outta Texas. Reminds me of a FLDS dude.
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