Black Panther: Thumbs up, or thumbs down?


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Based on opening night of Black Panther, the movie now ranks among the five top grossing movies with box office receipts of close to $200 million dollars.

It is also the highest-grossing February opening movie.

Rotten Tomatoes—the slice and dice website devoted to film reviews—gave it an almost unprecedented 100 percent.

USA Today calls it “astonishing.”

Joshua Hernandez, Assistant Manager at ICON Cinema, said that attendance has been overwhelming at times.

“It’s been really busy. People are pouring in. We’ve had large numbers here to watch the movie at the same time and it has been hectic.”

Looking at the crowded concessions and the large milling crowd, Hernandez said. “We have all hands on deck and customer service is still good.”

Without being a spoiler, the movie itself is a mix of themes, such as good versus evil, which is typical of Stan Lee’s Marvel heroes.

But the protagonist of the movie, the Black Panther, played by Chadwick Boseman, is a hero struggling with betrayals in his past, and how to quash radicals who are looking for blood.

That’s the good side.

The bad side is that there are those who want to exact violent revenge on “colonizers” who were responsible for offenses against humanity, such as slavery.

Almost the entire cast is Black, and the issue is not one of Blacks killing other Blacks, but the universal turmoil of one rotten segment of society, no matter what color, being defeated by a just society who also happen to be Black.

Having seen the movie, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Green offered their impressions.

“[We] thought it was very good, and our children enjoyed it too. The set designs and the scenery were really beautiful, the costumes.”

“It linked the past to the future through culture and new technology. It’s relevant today.”

Movie times are posted on the website at

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