Second Principal at Wichita Falls ISD Arrested for Failure to Report Abuse


WICHITA FALLS, TX. – A second elementary school principal for a Texas school district has been arrested on he charge of failing to report a case of abuse to law enforcement.

Cindy Sue Underwood, 35, was arrested and booked into the Wichita County jail on Monday and was later released on a $1,000 bond, according to

An arrest warrant said that a teacher found a school iPad that three 6-year-old students used to take photos as they engaged in sexual acts in a classroom.

The teacher informed the principal, Underwood, who then told the parents of the incident but didn’t file a report with law enforcement.

This is the second incident of a principal being arrested in Texas for failure to report abuse, as reported here.

Two of the 26 principals at Wichita Falls ISD have been arrested for failure to report possible sexual abuse, according to Wichita Falls Times Record News. 

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