Congressman Conaway in This Morning's Train Crash


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Congressman Mike Conaway of Midland who represents San Angelo was on the train in Virginia that crashed into a dump truck this morning.  

Conaway was uninjured.  He tweeted, “I am thankful to walk away from today's train collision just fine- sending prayers to those injured and the family of the life lost.” during the noon hour.  

Conaway had attended the State Of The Union address by President Trump last night and was headed to a Republican retreat in Virginia.  


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With just 7 days left before the CR deadline of February 8th one would think that our representatives would be in Washington trying to come to an agreement on the current CR. Not to be - our illustrious leaders are going on a 3 day retreat (with families I might add) at Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia. This retreat I assume is at taxpayers expense. I haven't checked yet, but I certainly hope that Greenbriar is not owned by our RIC, if that's the case we'll be paying double for the rooms and golf cart rentals.

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