San Angelo Police Investigate Multiple Crashes into Same Vehicle During Hit and Run Incident


Witnesses at the scene said that a white pickup was seen slamming into, then reversing and slamming into again a parked black Nissan pickup on Wichita Ave. at around 7:30 p.m. The white truck then sped off.

Before the "multiple hit and run" ecounter with the black Nissan, witnesses said that they saw the white pickup speeding south on N. Howard St. at "approximately 70 mph", then turning onto Wichita via Coleman. There was a second 911 call on Coleman within 30 seconds of the call on Wichita. 

Another witness said that the white pickup was going so fast that it went out of control, running up and over a curb before it plowed into the black Nissan parked in the street. "It looked like the white truck was stuck; that's why the driver was using the forward and reverse gears to break loose," the witness said.

Once the white truck broke lose, it sped away southbound.

San Angelo police found an abandoned and wrecked white Ford F-150 matching the earlier description of the hit and run vehicle about three blocks away, near the intersection of Westland Ave. and Abilene St.

Police are investigating who the driver was.

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