Midland Man Wants to Take Down Congressman Conaway in the GOP Primary


Midland, TX -- 11th District Congressman Mike Conaway has some competition again in the GOP primary in March.  

San Angelo’s representative in the U.S. House is from Midland and was first elected in 2005.  The Republican Congressman has survived primary challenges before on multiple occasions.  

The March 6, 2018 primary pits Conaway against Paul Myers.  Myer’s Facebook page says he’s running against Conaway because, “ It’s time to elect a real public servant. It’s time to restore the power to the hands of the people. It’s time for your voice, the people’s voice, to be heard loud and clear in Congress.”  

You can find out more about Paul Myers here.  And you can find out more about Mike Conaway here.  


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