SAN ANGELO, TX — The United Blood Service in San Angelo is looking for more donations this holiday season.
There is always a need for donors and right now there is a high demand for platelets. Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are a component of blood whose function is to stop bleeding by clumping and clotting blood vessel injuries.
“San Angelo uses 3 to 5 platelets a day for different surgeries or cancer patients. However, platelets are only good for 3 days after extracting, which creates a need for more donors,” said Billy Jones, the Donor Care Manager at United Blood Services.
The demand for platelets is high and so is the demand for donors with O+ and O- blood types. O- is a universal blood type, meaning it can be used for almost all blood types.
The San Angelo United Blood Service location will be closed Dec. 24-25 but will open on Tuesday with their regular scheduled hours.
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