SAN ANGELO, TX -- A 47-year-old San Angelo man received five years deferred adjudication Monday for seven counts of possession of child pornography in a plea deal.
Robert Woodrow Schmidt was scheduled to stand trial in front of a jury at 9 o’clock Monday morning, but the trial was cancelled. Schmidt's attorney is Brian Raymond.
According to court documents, Schmidt pleaded guilty to two counts of possession in exchange for deferred adjudication. He will have to meet the requirements and conditions of probation for a sex offender for the duration of the five year period.
According to the indictment, Schmidt did, “intentionally and knowingly possess visual material that visually depicted, and which the defendant knew visually depicted a child who was younger than 18 years of age at the time the image of the child was made, engaging in sexual conduct…” on or before the 5th day of October 2016.
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