SAN ANGELO, TX — Saturday was the last day of Toys for Tots, the annual tradition of the Goodfellow Air Force Base Marine contingent soliciting the community, corner by corner, for donations for children in need.
Event coordinator Chase Bruton said that this year’s collection had been very good.
“We took in about $20,000 in cash and about an equal amount of value in the toys that were collected. We’re blessed with the generosity of this community once again.”
“Now the gift wrapping starts with the intention of having everything ready for distribution by December 10,” he said.
I told Mr. Bruton that when I see the Marines on the street corner soliciting for gifts or money, it bothered me, thinking that they were already doing much by serving in the military.
“They’re glad to do this. They’re enthusiastic about it, and the community always comes through.”
“So thank you for your service, Marine Corp, and thank you for helping children at this special time of year,” Bruton said.
Truly the Few, the Proud, the Marines.
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