SAN ANGELO, TX -- All eight San Angelo Lions Clubs joined together Saturday to prepare pancakes and sausage at the annual Lions Clubs breakfast at Ft. Concho in conjunction with Christmas at Old Ft. Concho.
Breakfast organizer Joyce Brownie said they don’t count the pancakes, but they serve thousands. “We have 25 buckets of pancake batter. It’s donated by IHOP.” Brownie says they have to buy the sausage from Sam’s Club.
“The money raised goes to projects that supply eyeglasses for needy children and adults.”
Tables were set up in the Ft. Concho Stables and participants formed two lines down the center of the tables to pick up plates of pancakes and sausage along with juice and coffee.
The festivities continued all day Saturday with reenactors and vendors at Christmas at Old Ft. Concho. The Christmas celebration continues Sunday.
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