KKK Attempting to Recruit in Abilene


ABILENE, TX-- Ziploc baggies filled with cat food and Ku Klux Klan recruitment messages have popped up in Abilene.

The plastic bags contain apparent recruitment messages from the white supremacy group saying "The KKK wants you."

Many residents have found the same bags in their Abilene driveways. 

The Abilene Police Department said, in a statement, that their department had collected several of these items as evidence.

"It is a violation of a City ordinance to disseminate such handbills," APD went on to say in the statement. "The content does not matter, but instead the unwanted delivery of handbills violates the law. If suspects are developed, the Department will file applicable charges."  

Back in 2010, the KKK used a similar method to try and recruit residents in north Abilene.

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