SAN ANGELO, TX -- (TGSO Press Release) On Wednesday, November 15, 2017, members of the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation of a suspicious vehicle parked at the Veribest Independent School District Parking lot.
As a result of the investigation, Christopher Stephen Russell was arrested for the offenses of Manufacture or Delivery of a Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine) over 200 grams and under 400 grams in a Drug Free Zone, Possession or Transport of Chemicals with intent to Manufacture a Controlled Substance, Evading Arrest and Detention and Fugitive from Justice.
During the investigation stolen items from a burglary of a building in Miles, Texas were located in the vehicle. Miles Police Department is conducting the investigation into the burglary and is expected to file additional charges against Russell. Russell is a suspect in additional burglaries in several surrounding counties. Sheriff’s investigators also contacted the registered owner of the vehicle being operated by Russell and learned that the vehicle had been stolen from a business in Midland County without the owner’s knowledge. As a result of this investigation, a second stolen vehicle was recovered for the business. Russell has also been charged with Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle.
On Thursday, November 16, 2017, members of the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office conducted a routine traffic stop and identified the driver of the vehicle as Matthew Lucas Castillo. The deputy developed probable cause and conducted a search of the 2003 Ford Pickup and found marijuana residue and narcotic paraphernalia used in the distribution of narcotics, digital scales, baggies and syringes. Deputies also located a baggy containing Methamphetamine.
As a result of the traffic stop and investigation, Castillo was arrested for the offenses of Possession of a Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine) under one gram and Driving while his License was Invalid. The vehicle being operated by Castillo had been reported stolen to the San Angelo Police Department. San Angelo Police Department was contacted and is conducting the investigation of the stolen vehicle.
On Thursday, November 16, 2017, a Tom Green County Citizen reported a suspicious vehicle that had been parked near a house being remodeled in the Quail Valley area to the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office. Tom Green County Deputies along with Constable Smith located and stopped the vehicle on Lake View Hero’s Drive in San Angelo. Additional Tom Green County Deputies located a residence on Rust Road and confirmed that a burglary with forced entry had occurred at the residence.
Numerous stolen power tools and other items taken in the burglary were located in the vehicle that had been stopped. As a result of the stop and investigation, Lorenzo Ortiz Rueda and Oscar Ornelas were arrested for Burglary of a Habitation. Rueda and Ornelas are suspected of committing additional burglaries and thefts in recent months. The Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone that has observed the vehicle pictured above, at or near a reported burglary or t heft, to please contact the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office at 325-655-8111.
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