SAN ANGELO, TX-- The Tom Green County Jail booked 24 people on Thursday.
Of those booked, three were booked for charges stemming from domestic incidents. One suspect was booked for Assault of a Family Member and another for Assault Causing Bodily Injury/Family Violence. The third was booked for Making a Terroristic Threat Toward a Family/Household Member.
Other causes for arrest include:
- Speeding: 1
- Driving While License Invalid: 4
- Possession of a Controlled Substance: 2
- Fraud: 1
- Theft: 5
- No Insurance: 1
- VPTA: 5
- Parole Violation: 1
- FTA: 2
- Parking More than 18 Inches from the Curb: 1
- Public Intoxication: 2
- No Proof of Financial Responsibility: 2
- Unsafe Equipment: 1
- DWI: 2
- CPF: 8
- Fail to Stop and Leave Information: 1
- Fighting: 1
- Liquor Violation: 1
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