SAN ANGELO, TX — This evening, San Angelo Police arrested Dorian Confer, 17, in connection to a shooting that badly injured an 18-year-old Saturday night. Police charged Confer with Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon.
Detectives with the San Angelo Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division responded to a report of a San Angelo teen with a gunshot wound Saturday night. The incident happened in the College Hills subdivision, police said.
Police were dispatched to a San Angelo hospital at 9 p.m. Saturday to investigate the arrival in the emergency room of a shooting victim. Police said at the emergency room, officers learned that the victim, 18, had been brought into the emergency room by friends.
Police said the teen underwent emergency surgery for a gunshot wound to the abdomen and he remains hospitalized in serious condition.
On Twitter last night, friends of a wide receiver for the San Angelo Central Bobcats indicated that he was the teen who was shot. “We all care for [him] but yet no one knows anything huh crazy how we care about him right,” Tweeted “Gabba,” or @Duran_duran06, who is pictured with the football player next to his car in her Twitter profile picture. Others chimed in with requests for prayers for the player, including Carlee Sparks (@CarleeSparks) who Tweeted, “When does this s*** stop? Guns are not f****g toys & all these little a** kids need to stop trying to stunt with them. Prayers for [the victim].”
Secrecy surrounds the identity of the victim. Neither hospital could confirm the name of a wounded patient at their facility. We reached out to the San Angelo ISD on Sunday and are awaiting a response. We could not verify the name of the victim other than with anonymous tips that aligned with multiple Tweets on Twitter.
Police have not identified the shooting victim, either. But police did state their investigation revealed that the victim was attending a party at a residence, possibly near SAC Avenue and Oxford Drive, when the teen was engaged in a physical altercation with the suspect.
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That's right, blame it all on the guns...... Look at this stupid looking freak. What we need are life time asylums to house people like him. It's clear just by looking at him that he will never amount to anything more than a drain on society. If he had been removed years ago and forgotten about, this kid that is in the hospital and facing a possible life altering injury would be going to class this morning and planning for his football game this coming Friday.
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PermalinkI don't know the particulars of this tragic event but these boys are just kids! I don't know about you Doctor or Big Daddy but when I was 17 I didn't know my ass from my elbow. Let's try to be kind.
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PermalinkSheylan, even intellectually impaired kids that are deemed slow learners know better than to grab a gun and just shoot somebody with it, and..... I'm truly very sorry that you grew all the way up to 17 years old and never learned how to tell your ass from your elbow. I just can't imagine how bad one must feel being that age and having Special Ed kids know more than you but anyhow, trying to kill someone is just something anyone that's got a half a teaspoon full of sense knows better than to do..... He didn't know this, so he belongs in a cinder block room, tucked away and forgotten about by society.
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PermalinkWhen someone picks up a gun and shoots another, one has cross the line from teenager to adult. There is no excuse in taking one's life or planning to just hurt someone as part of a lesson. Do the deed, accept the consequences. If parents could not teach him, maybe his cell inmates will.
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PermalinkI read all the comments. At 17 all kids know the difference between their ass and elbow. I don't even think when it comes to guns it necessarily make any difference what kind of family you come from, rich , poor or anything in between everyone knows if you fire a gun that bullet is going to hit something and if that something is a living thing it causes damage and even death. Besides there is no reason why a 17 year old should even have a gun. I do not know the kid or the family of the kid who did the shooting but I am betting his mom did not even know he had a gun or where he got it. I can guarantee at 17 if I'd of have a gun no one would of known I had one cause my dad would have beat my butt off and ask questions later. The guy who got shot as I understand it will miss the rest of the football season for his SR. year and he wants to be a Marine. I pray for him that he makes a full recovery and can find peace with all that has happened. As for the 17 year old I hope he realizes what he has done. Justice in Tom Green County will not be served. It seems it never is. God will deal with his actions. However I will pray for his mom in hopes she can find some peace in all this mess. As for the one in the hospital prayers will go out to you from everyone in the stadium Friday night.
Somehow, someone has got to get control of the crime of guns in San Angelo. It's one of the worst cities to live in now. Some idiots along the way took pray out of our schools, prayer from our football games, they scream abuse if you spank your child, and you wonder why the world is the way it is. God gave up. Everyone pushed him away.
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