CISCO, TX — A Pit Bull dog attacked a police officer in Cisco Saturday, according to a statement released by the Cisco Police Department. The officer responded to a report of a child who was attacked by the same dog while the child was playing in the child’s own yard.
When the Cisco Police Officer Thomas Stiles approached the home where the incident was reported, a Pit Bull ran around the corner from the back of the house and charged Stiles in a full run. With limited time to react, Stiles drew his handgun and commenced backing up on foot.
While backing up with weapon drawn, Stiles stumbled and the gun discharged, shooting Stiles in the leg. The dog continued to charge at Stiles who fired two more rounds at the dog to stop the attack.
Cisco police stated the owner of the dog claimed the Pit Bull never attacked anyone prior.
The child suffered injuries, but is expected to recover.
The City of Cisco will press to have the owner of the Pit Bull pay for the medical bills of both Stiles and the child victim, Cisco police state.
Cisco police did not state whether the dog died, though they did state two rounds were fired at the Pit Bull.
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Loose dogs everywhere. It's like the most ignorant a-holes with the crappiest fences or enclosures go out and get the most destructive and vicious dogs possible.
Trash day, forget it. One too many times my can's been knocked over, with my garbage strewn about the street and driveway.
Seems to be a lot of hungry mutts around the Northside. Solution: cheap bologna marinated in antifreeze. Toss it in the bin and bon appetite.
I haven't had any return customers yet.
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PermalinkHere we go again! Anytime a pitbull eats someone, it's the same thing all over again: Pitbulls are this, pitbulls are that. Stop it. Just stop it! Pitbulls are kind, loving animals. They are especially very good with babies and children. Stop blaming the entire breed for killing or maiming hundreds of people and other animals. Find patience in your hearts, give them a chance. I thought we had freedoms in this country. (Edit: there was a typo in the earlier version. My apologies.)
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PermalinkFor the uber devil dog lovers to chime in. "Anytime a pit eats someone?" So your admitting there have been WAY to many occasions of pits, or in your words, "kind loving animals" eating people? I agree and your words have weight me thinks to those of us paying attention.
Yeah, pits sure love children, especial down on the ground screaming for their lives and bloody. Makes them more cudly that way right? Of course it's not the poor dogs fault, just the irresponsible owners. Um, no. But pits are a REALLY good reason to have a fence around the yard in the first place.
And who in their right mind would allow a pit around a baby?
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PermalinkYes, I admit (in your words): "there have been WAY to many occasions of pits, or in your words, "kind loving animals" eating people", but that is not a good reason to blame the entire breed for killing or maiming hundreds of people and other animals. When you talk to pitbull owners they would unequivocally tell you that the best characteristic of the breed is their cuteness, cuddliness, especially and specifically towards babies. The smaller the child the better. In my mind, this is enough to exonerate pitbulls (and their owners) from any stigma. I do not need any other evidence than pitbull owners' testimonies on this matter.
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