SAN ANGELO, TX -- Civic League Park nestled along the Concho river in central San Angelo is home to a world renowned water lily collection and it has quietly become the city’s most popular international tourist destination.

Saturday International Water Lily Collection Director Ken Landon will host LilyFest 2017 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and invites everyone to come see this jewel of San Angelo’s tourist attractions.

According to the International Water Lily website, there will be tours,seminars, a plant sale, food and entertainment onsite. The International Water Lily collection has been designated by the International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society as a premier collection of water lilies in existence.
One of the unique lilies on display is the official lily of the state of Texas, Nymphaea Texas Dawn. Landon created the Texas Dawn in 1983.

Visitors will also see the largest collection of intersubgeneric hybrids (ISGs) displayed anywhere and cutting edge new hybrids from the best hybridizers around the world.
Saturday’s LilyFest is the 12th annual celebration in Civic League Park. It is free and open to the public.
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