Yes, Talk Like a Pirate Day is an actual thing. Why, you may ask? Well, two friends, John Baur and Mark Summers, started talking like pirates during a game of racquetball in 1995 for reasons they "aren't quite sure of to this day," according to their website.
The two friends then figured out the world needed another made up holiday, much like Valentine's Day or Canadian Thanksgiving (seriously, who celebrates Thanksgiving in October?). However, the booty of Talk Like a Pirate Day remained a buried treasure to Baur and Summers until 2002, when they revealed their secret to Pulitzer-Prize winning column writer Dave Barry. Barry sailed off with the column and the rest is history.
What are you supposed to do on Talk Like a Pirate Day? For starters, if you walk in to a Long John Silver and talk like a pirate, you'll receive a free deep-fried Twinkie. But what would a day like Talk Like a Pirate Day be without the consumption of adult pirate drinks? You can also don your favorite eye-patch and pirate garb, if you want to go all out for the day.
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