SAN ANGELO, TX — On Sunday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. the contractor will begin overnight work on the corner of FM 2288 and Sherwood Way by Chick-fil-A. During this time, the left turn lane from FM 2288 to Sherwood Way will be closed, as well as the thru lane toward Sam’s Club.
Between 12 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 17 and 6 a.m. Monday, Sept. 18, the southbound frontage road near Melrose and the on ramp for Loop 306 will be closed. The Loop 306 exit ramp in this area will also be closed during this time.
Depending on the contractor’s progress, nighttime operations may also be in place for Monday evening.
Road work to prepare for resurfacing will continue along this section of Sherwood Way Monday, Sept. 18 thru Wednesday, Sept. 20. On Wednesday, Sept. 20, the section of Sherwood Way between Loop 306 to just past FM 2288 will be paved during the overnight hours.
The new signal was activated to flashing on Tuesday, Sept. 12 and is expected to be changed to fully functioning by Sept. 26.
The $3.9 million dollar project is expected to be finished by November.
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