SAN ANGELO, TX — H-E-B Grocery, 3301 Sherwood Way, is collecting donations at every checkout lane for Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. San Angelo’s H-E-B Unit Director Nick George said H-E-B was informed that the greatest needs in Houston right now are cash donations to the established disaster relief organizations like the American Red Cross, Feeding Texas, and the Salvation Army.
“What we see is the biggest need right now is monetary funding for these organizations to get the help to the victims,” George said.
To participate, it’s easy. When you purchase any item at the H-E-B, the debit card/credit card terminal at every register will ask if you wish to donate an extra $1, $3, or $5 to Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. When you select an amount, the money is automatically sent to a special account earmarked for the effort.
George said no purchase is necessary. You can donate at any register without a purchase.
H-E-B, with corporate offices based in San Antonio, has been leading the way with Houston area recovery efforts. Supermarket News highlighted how important it is for H-E-B’s disaster recovery team to set up full kitchens that can serve 2,500 meals an hour in impacted areas. H-E-B Transportation, the fleet of trucks that are common on Texas highways, is a critical link in keeping food stocked on the shelves inside the Houston metropolitan area during the flood.
Right now, George said direct needs for specific products or items haven’t been requested from disaster relief organizations. However, there are many requests for money these agencies need to bolster their logistics operations. “If a need arises for specific product, we’ll get out in front of that, but right now, the most needed thing is funding to maintain the Red Cross’s operations tempo,” George said.
Donations made at H-E-B registers are directed to:
- American Red Cross
- Feeding Texas
- Salvation Army
Donation screens are active now at the San Angelo H-E-B.
On a side note, George moved to San Angelo with his family this past month to be the Unit Director, or in laymen’s terms, general manager of the new H-E-B being built in the 5000 block of Sherwood Way across from Lowe’s and Wal-Mart. He said construction still on schedule and the new H-E-B is on track to open in the fall, but no firm date has been set. Lynn Shipley will remain in San Angelo as the head of the original store.
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