Local Roast: San Angelo's Freshest Coffee


Columbia, Mexico, Brazil, Madagascar; they’re famous for their roasted coffee. And while it may taste delightful, there’s a certain appeal to knowing your early-morning staple didn’t come out of a freeze-dried bag.

DeCoty Coffee Company is locally owned and operated, with its roots right here in San Angelo. This is also where the roasting takes place, even though the beans are shipped from all over the world.

Where the roasting takes place is an important factor affecting coffee quality, because coffee begins to lose freshness the second it is roasted. In fact, coffee experts suggest that whole beans are only good for about a month, and ground coffee should be brewed within two weeks.

These guidelines really put a damper on imported brands that must be shipped and stored, and suggest that coffee roasted locally is much more likely to guarantee freshness of product.

DeCoty has been providing this service to San Angelo since 1929 and very little has changed, even though the original owner is long gone and his descendants have sold the company.

“We still believe in his [original owner CT Ducote] ideas and way of doing business,” said Sales Specialist Jackie Keeling.

Keeling wholeheartedly believes in the quality of the DeCoty products, “my personal favorite is Western Gold,” he explained, “and more people know it by Western Gold than DeCoty.”

DeCoty services many local restaurants around San Angelo in addition to their physical location at 1920 Austin St. They also offer teas, spices and various gourmet items. For more on DeCoty, visit their website at http://www.decoty.com/index.php.


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