Crawford Sentenced to 5 years in Prison for Aggravated Assault


SAN ANGELO, TX – 50-year-old Bobby Lee Crawford Jr. was sentenced to five years in prison Tuesday in a plea agreement for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. 

51st District Judge Barbara Walther accepted the plea agreement.  Crawford is charged with 3 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon stemming from an altercation in April of 2016.  He plead guilty to two counts. 

According to court documents, Crawford choked his wife and threatened his wife and daughter with a baseball bat after his wife picked him up at work because he was intoxicated. At the residence, Crawford choked his wife while she was still in the vehicle. His daughter called 911.  Crawford then retrieved the baseball bat and forced his wife and daughter to lie on the ground.  He threatened to kill them and himself and said he "wasn’t going back to jail." 

Officers arrived a short time later and arrested Crawford. 

Crawford’s daughter emotionally read a prepared statement to the court this morning. 

Crawford was taken into custody to begin his five year sentence shortly before noon today.    

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