SAN ANGELO, TX — City crews are continuing their efforts to clear city streets and alleys of large limbs and debris left in the wake of Friday’s thunderstorms. This initial effort is to ensure citizens can safely travel the streets and utility companies can access lines for repairs.
Significant small debris may remain in the streets for some time as City crews concentrate on removing large debris. Street sweepers will start methodically working all streets to remove smaller debris. They will work seven days a week until all areas of the city have been covered. With all six sweepers working, this should take about six to seven weeks.
Drivers are asked to respect the safety of these workers and those trying to repair utility damage. Motorists should drive slowly around work crews or, if possible, take another route around them.
The three debris drop-off sites opened Saturday will remain open to the public through Sunday, July 9. Those locations are:
- Foster Communications Coliseum, 50 E. 43rd St., north of the former Lake View stadium.
- San Angelo Stadium at the corner of Knickerbocker Road and Johnson Street. The drop-off point will be in the parking lot alongside Johnson.
- The Lake Operations maintenance facility at 2301 Fisherman’s Road, near the intersection of Fisherman’s and Knickerbocker roads.
Debris should be placed within the areas marked by orange traffic barrels. Tree limbs, brush and other woody debris will be accepted. Metal and trash will not.
Citizens who can take tree and brush debris to a drop-off site are asked to do so. Because of the widespread damage, City staff and equipment are spread thinly; any and all help with debris removal is greatly appreciated.
City personnel cannot enter private property to assist with debris removal. However, for citizens without the means to take debris to a drop-off site, City personnel can help if tree and brush debris is moved to the edge of the curb. The debris must be able to be reached from the street. City officials urge that debris not be placed in the street because of the hazard to drivers.
Homeowners may place small amounts of debris out for bulk pickup with their normal trash service. Branches and limbs must be cut into lengths no longer than 4 feet and bundled to weigh no more than 60 pounds. Debris that fits may also be placed inside tan garbage bins pickup.
“We are asking for our citizens’ patience,” Operations Director Shane Kelton said. “Again, please be mindful there is a lot of damage all across the city and the process of debris removal will take some time, whether through normal bulk collection processes, through your trash service or by City crews.”
Traffic sign and signal damage was also significant across San Angelo. City crews are working to replace damaged and missing signage, and to repair damage to signals. This process will continue into next week. Because all of the issues have not yet been addressed, motorists should use caution while driving. Some of the damage has disrupted the timing of signals; delays along normal travel routes can be expected until repairs can be made. The Operations Department anticipates the work can be completed by the end of this week.
The signal at the intersection of Main and Pulliam streets was removed because of extensive damage. That intersection will remain a four-way stop until a new signal can be installed. This could take 60-90 days, depending upon manufacture availability.
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