Goodfellow AFB Clarifies: Mosque is Just a "Room" in the Chapel


SAN ANGELO, TX — Goodfellow Air Force Base spokeswoman 2nd Lt. Tisha Wilkerson clarified this morning that the proposed mosque to be ceremoniously opened June 23 is just a room in the already-built Taylor Chapel on base. “The room is considered a mosque because it is a dedicated space for Islamic worship,” she wrote us in an email this morning.

The grand opening of the mosque is set for June 23 at 11:30 a.m. But the new mosque will not require new construction of another facility.

Goodfellow AFB’s press release stated that mosques are not new in the U.S. Air Force. Goodfellow AFB’s will be the third mosque on an installation for the military branch. The U.S. Air Force Academy on Colorado Springs, Colorado and Lackland AFB in San Antonio also have mosques.

“Mosques serve as a place of worship and a location for various community functions such as Quranic studies and weekly community gatherings. The opening of the mosque on Goodfellow is a prime example of the Air Force’s determination to provide religious freedom and accommodations to all Airmen,” the Goodfellow AFB press release stated.

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