The San Angelo Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance with the following case:
During the second week of February 2014, an unknown person(s) stole the following equipment from a property located in the 1800 block of N. Bell Street in San Angelo:
- Yellow colored Skid Steer Model #1845, all-wheel tractor with bucket attached to the front. (See picture attachment of stock photo)
- Black and silver colored 4WD Polaris Ranger with a roll cage and flatbed/cargo bed, and several stickers on the front right fender. (See picture attachment of actual vehicle)
If you have information about the suspect(s) involved in this theft or the location of the stolen equipment, please call Detective Michael Gaeta at 325-657-4387. To remain anonymous, call the SAPD’s 24 hour Tip Hotline at 1-855-TIPS-247. You can also text your tips, text “TIP SAPD” plus the info to 888777. You can submit Tips online at
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