Sculptor for Major Art Project Along the Concho River to be Announced Tomorrow


SAN ANGELO, TX-- The name of a world renowned sculptor, who is scheduled to make his/her debut in San Angelo this spring, will be announced tomorrow, May 4, at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (SAMFA), located at 1 Love Street.

The sculptor, will create three pieces for the Historic Beginnings of San Angelo art project along the Concho River, a SAMFA press release reads.

The artist is scheduled to fly in to San Angelo tomorrow to attend the announcement at 1:30 p.m. on May 4. Additionally, maquettes, small preliminary models, of the proposed sculptures will be available for viewing and photo opportunities.

The Public Arts Commission gave their approval for the project on May 1. Furthermore, the project was given final approval at yesterday's City Council meeting. No tax dollars are being used in the project, and the estimated budget is more than half a million dollars. 

The Historic Beginnings of San Angelo project honors the Jumano Native Americans who lived in the Concho Valley when it was first visited by European missionaries in the 1620s. It also honors Sor Maria de Jesus of Ágreda who inspired the Native Americans to seek missionaries and bring them to their central camping area on the Concho River. The missionary expeditions were the first efforts in Texas history to reach the Concho Valley in 1629 and 1632.


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