SAN ANGELO, TX - Almost two decades ago, an artist came to the West Texas Rehabilitation Center in San Angelo and wanted to display a piece of original artwork. The artist said should anyone inquire about purchasing the piece, that artist would gladly split the proceeds with the center. When long-time supporters of the organization and art lovers Beverly and Ben Stribling heard of this, an idea for an annual art fundraiser was created. The Striblings have since underwritten the show, and because of this support, that the event is named the Stribling Art Extravaganza.

Justin DeLoach is the coordinator for the art show and sale and said, "Starting Friday, March 24 through Sunday March 26, we will hold our 18th Annual Stribling Art Extravaganza. There are close to 270 pieces of art, all made by Concho Valley artists. Prices range from $75 on up into the thousands of dollars. Some of our featured artists include Hugh Campbell, Luis Soffil, Christina Jackson, Mike Ryan, Thomas Clemmens and many more."
Many mediums are available and include everything from paintings, sculptures, wood art, weavings, and furniture; basically anything that is handmade.

DeLoach added, "What's unique about our show is we split the proceeds between the Rehab Center and the artists. The portion that goes to WTRC goes to help our patients we treat every day; it's just a great community event."
West Texas Rehabilitation Center is a private non-profit organization with locations in Abilene, San Angelo and Ozona, Texas. The Center, which relies on donor support to supplement treatment revenues, provides outpatient rehabilitation care to 500 children and adults daily regardless of a patient's ability to pay.

The event is being held at historic Old Fort Concho, located at 630 S. Oakes, in the Quartermasters Commissary and Barracks 6. Today's showing has finalized, but will reopen tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
There is no admission charge and patrons can also partake in special activities during the weekend show and sale.
For those who are unable to attend but would like to make a donation to the WTRC, or if you are a local artist wanting to get involved in next year's event, DeLoach said, "Please check out our website,, for more details."
He added an event of this magnitude takes a lot of time to coordinate, but before you know it, it's time to do it again and 2018 is right around the corner."
For more photos and artist information, also check out
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