New Pick-Up Service Offered at Neighborhood Walmart


SAN ANGELO, TEXAS -- At noon today, the Neighborhood Walmart grocery store, located at 1852 Sherwood Way, introduced its new "Pick-Up" services set to launch tomorrow morning.

In a short presentation, Laura Lewis, vice president of Member Relations with the Chamber of Commerce, and Efrain Barrera, assistant manager to the Neighborhood Walmart, spoke on the new service offered by Walmart.

New pick-up service area

Barrera described the upcoming service as a "more convenient" shopping alternative. Shoppers who are interested in the new service can create an account on the "Walmart Grocery" app (iOS and Android) and select the items they would like to buy and a convenient pick-up time. Dedicated personnel will then "shop" for the items and have them ready for pick up. Customers will not need to get out of their car, as the groceries will be delivered straight to their vehicles. Additionally, groceries and a few general merchandise like shampoos, soaps, and laundry detergent can be bought using the new phone application. 

This new service has allowed the Sherwood Way Neighborhood Market to hire a new set of employees who fully focus on the pick-up service, which will launch at 4 a.m. tomorrow morning; the first pick up will be ready to go at 8 a.m.

Barrera has high hopes for the new program. She said, "I think [this service] will be received very well [as] this is something completely new to the city."

The new service is free of charge, and will be available to customers every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The second San Angelo Neighborhood Market is scheduled to also start a pick-up service soon. 

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