Texas House Passes Statewide Ban on Texting While Driving


AUSTIN, TX - The Texas House passed a statewide ban on texting while driving, during Wednesday's session.

According to the Big Country Homepage report, Members of the House voted 113 to 32. Yesterday's vote has tentatively approved the legislation. When the final vote in decided in the House, it will proceed to the Senate for a vote. 

The bills author, Rep. Tom Craddick, R-Midland, pushed for a legislation to penalize drivers who use their phones while operating a vehicle. As of right now, Texas is one of four states that does not have a statewide ban on texting and driving. According to the National High Traffic Safety Administration, it is estimated that within the U.S., more than eight people are killed everyday in crashes that involve a distracted driver. 

The report further stated that Craddick's previous attempts to pass the "no texting and driving"  bill from the years  2013 and 2015, have passed the House stage.  Craddick previously attempted in passing the bill in 2011too. However, the bill was rejected in the Senate and ultimately vetoed by Gov. Rick Perry, who argued that the bill would allow the state to "micro manage the behavior of adults."

Under the new bill passed by the House, those caught texting while driving could be charged with a misdemeanor and be fined $25 to $99. Repeat offenders would have to pay between $100 and $200 in fines.


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