Texas Aggie to Oppose Trinidad Aguirre for SMD1 Council Seat


SAN ANGELO, TX — On the second day of the filing period for the seat of former City Councilman Bill Richardson, SMD1, a Texas Aggie threw his hat into the ring. Tommy Hiebert, a San Angelo businessman who owns an independent insurance agency, will run against Trinidad Aguirre who filed yesterday. Hiebert is currently the board chairman for the City of San Angelo Development Corporation, or COSA-DC. He is a 1975 graduate of Texas A&M University.

The election is May 6 and candidate filings are accepted through March 27.

Candidate packets can be downloaded at cosatx.us/May2017. Physical copies are available in the City Clerk’s office in Room 210 on the second floor of City Hall, 72 W. College Ave. The office is open weekdays 8 a.m.-noon and 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Candidates file the necessary paperwork in the City Clerk’s office. Questions can be addressed to City Clerk Bryan Kendrick at 325-657-4405 or at bryan.kendrick@cosatx.us.

Also on May 6, voters will elect a mayor and representatives in the District 2, 4 and 6 seats. The winners of those races will serve four-year terms. Those who filed their candidacies for those four seats in the regularly scheduled election are:

  • Mayor – Tony Villarreal, Brenda Gunter, Charlotte Farmer, Zach Taylor.
  • District 2 – Tom Thompson.
  • District 4 – Lucy Gonzales, Chris Giroux.
  • District 6 – Steve Hampton, Rebekah Coffman, Billie F. DeWitt.

Voters can look at a map of the City Council districts at cosatx.us/council. Determining which district one lives in can be determined by clicking the GIS map viewer on the same page.

Voters must be registered to vote by April 7 to vote in the May 6 election. Voter registration information can be found at votetomgreencounty.org; in the Tom Green County Election/Voter Registration Office on the first floor of the Edd B. Keyes Building, 113 W. Beauregard Ave.; and at all three Tom Green County library locations.

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