Two Puppies Lose Their Lives in North San Angelo Fire


SAN ANGELO, TEXAS -- Friday night, at approximately 9:30 p.m., the San Angelo Fire Department responded to a house fire in the 2100 block of Stanton Street. 

San Angelo Fire Investigator Kim Ingrim stated that upon arrival, the Fire Department saw "smoke coming from the back right hand corner" of the house. Firefighters were then able to put the fire out after attacking it from the outside, as well as the interior, of the house. 

The owners of the house had been out all afternoon so no one was in the house at the time of the fire. Unfortunately, two puppies were inside at the time; both did not make it. 

Before first responders could put out the fire, it had traveled to the attic; because of this, Ingrim is recommending to the family not to enter their house "until an electrician checks and fixes" any electrical wiring. 

The owners of the house stayed in another location for the night. This fire is still under investigation and Ingrim believes it will take her and her team several more days to find the origin of the fire. 



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