SAN ANGELO, TX - This morning, the City Council's meeting room at the McNease Convention Center witnessed a full house. Many people turned out to have their final say on the passing of Short-Term Rentals (STRs), or the renting out of private property to vacationers over the internet. Until today, STRs were illegal within San Angelo city limits. Thanks to a 4-3 vote, STRs are now legal, and opponents walked away upset and disgruntled.
LIVE! Reporter Maura Ballard, reporting from the council meeting, said Councilmen Harry Thomas, Marty Self, Councilwoman Lucy Gonzales and Mayor Dwain Morrison voted to pass the ordinance. Councilwoman Charlotte Farmer, and Councilmen Lane Carter and Bill Richardson voted against it.
Mayor Morrison pointed out that, for the first year, any STR must be re-evaluated by the city, and after that, every two years.
On the other side, Councilman Lane Carter said previously that he voted against STRs because of the "imminent threat of a referendum" that would "cost the city an extra election" and approximately $30,000.
Maura Ballard stated tensions are high, and about 10 people had their final say on the topic.
Ted Logan from the Lake Nasworthy Association said he was against this new ordinance, claiming this is "primarily a lake problem" because these renters will spend a lot of time there. Also, opponents had concerns regarding a grandfather clause; however, Harry Thomas and John James with the City clarified that there is no "grandfathering" to the current establishments as people are saying. The eight existing establishments will have one year to comply with the rules of the ordinance.
James also clarified that there are only two establishments out of the eight that will not comply with the rule that requires an STR to be on a street with a width of at least 30 feet wide. All current eight are in compliance with being 500 feet away from another STR. Additionally, owners of established STRs and Bed & Breakfasts are paying property and sales tax. When they go back to get approval again, the City can approve or deny their application.
We will provide more information with our next City Council update from Maura Ballard.
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