SAN ANGELO, TX - All too often, many people put off going to see a doctor for back and neck pain fearing the expense. Now that winter is upon us, and with the constant weather changes wreaking havoc on the old joints and such, if local residents are ready for some relief, one local doctor is offering treatment at an affordable price, which also benefits a local non-profit organization.
This week, the Angelo Back and Rehab Center, located at 3950 Sunset Drive, is hosting an event that could very well help alleviate some of these issues, or at least get sufferers started with a treatment plan.
Dr Brian Anderson, Chiropractor and Owner of Angelo Back & Rehab, is originally from western Nebraska, studied at Texas Chiropractic and graduated in 1988. He started working at AB&R in 1989.

Dr. Anderson said, "About five or six years ago, Becca Edens, Marketing & Event Director for the local Meals for the Elderly program, and I were discussing ideas for a fundraiser. We came up with the idea of collecting boxes of Macaroni and Cheese in trade for Chiropractic services. It's a food staple, has a long shelf life, and stacks real easy."
Edens and Dr. Anderson both agreed and said, "Hey, we can make a mountain out of that!" At that point, the annual Macaroni Mountain fundraiser was created.
For those wondering if there are limits on what kind of boxed macaroni dinners AB&R will accept, Dr. Anderson added, "We take any kind; it's not just the little 74 cent boxes."
Dr Anderson said, with this event, "there's two factors that go on at the same time. First, this week, anybody [who has] never been under any chiropractic care at our clinic before can do their first day of service, which is usually an exam and x-ray, all for a $20 donation worth of Macaroni and Cheese. All proceeds will go to Meals for the Elderly."

Second, on Wednesday, established patients were able to go in and have their adjustments and therapies at no charge in lieu of that same $20 worth of Macaroni and Cheese.
Dr Anderson said, "Donations are not limited to $20. If someone wanted to give more, any all donations are greatly appreciated."
Last year, the chiropractor and his staff collected 2,500 boxes, and he is hoping to surpass that amount this year.

This year's event started on Monday, and Dr. Anderson's office has seen around 10 new patients.
"They take a long time to process, but, as of Wednesday morning, with our regular clients, by 11 a.m., we've already seen 40," he noted. "We can usually see around 100 patients a day."
The event will officially run through tomorrow, but for those just now hearing about it, Dr. Anderson added, "We always extend it (the fundraiser). If somebody's hurting and needs to see us, we're not going to say no. That's my purpose and my passion. I'll always stay until that last patient is seen."

Chiropractic practice originated in the late 1800s, and is a form of alternative medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment technique involves manual therapy, especially spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), and manipulations of other joints and soft tissues.

Dr Anderson concluded, "If anybody has been thinking about trying chiropractic [therapy], now is the time to do it, as it is a win-win situation."
For more information, check them out Angelo Back & Rehab out on Facebook at, or call (325) 949-1600.
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