SAN ANGELO, TX – Today, Jonathan Gould, 28, who is facing criminal charges for Indecency with/Child Sexual Contact in August of last year, was back at the Tom Green County Courthouse. His pre-trial was set for yesterday morning; however, the pre-trial was canceled after confidentiality issues were raised by Lindy Bankes, M.D., concerning attorneys' access to and release of medical records during court hearings on the victim. Thus, a Motion Hearing was set for today so the court could address Dr. Bankes' concerns. Gould's attorney and the state of Texas were also present.
Dr. Bankes, a board certified psychiatrist who specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry at Shannon Medical Center, filed for a motion to protect the victim’s medical records.
Judge Jay Weatherby heard Dr. Bankes’ motion to keep the medical files of the complainant as confidential as possible, for they contained sensitive information concerning the child’s psychological state. Dr. Bankes was concerned about releasing records pertaining to her therapeutic relationship with the minor. Dr. Bankes said in a statement this morning that she worked for years with the minor in question, and has seen the benefit the therapy has had on the child. Dr. Bankes emphasized that she would not want to jeopardize this therapeutic relationship by releasing her patient’s medical records. However, she said she would comply with the judge’s orders.
Judge Weatherby decided to grant the use of the minor’s medical records during the upcoming trial.
According to court records, Gould, on or about Aug. 20, 2015, engaged in sexual contact with a minor girl younger than 17, which is a second degree felony.
Gould’s criminal pre-trial is set for November 9, and his jury trial is set for November 14.
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