Tom Green County Sheriff's Deputies to Provide Kids with Frightful Fun This Hallows' Eve


SAN ANGELO, TX - In the past, when Halloween fell on a weekday, some were unsure if they should trick-or-treat and celebrate the holiday on the weekend before, or on the actual day. This year, it seems to be a combination; several events kicked off Friday, and others will take place today.

From haunted houses, to festivals, and costume contests, San Angeloans are gathering up friends and family members, getting out and about, and most importantly, spending time together.

For those parents looking for a safe place to trick-or-treat on this spooktacular day, be sure and stop by the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office, located at 222 W. Harris Street, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 

Lieutenant Keith Muncey is the coordinator for the department's annual 'Trunk or Treat' event, and said, "This will be our second year holding the event. Last year, we had an amazing turnout, and while planning, really didn't know what to expect. Close to 4,000 people came out." 

photo courtesy TGCSO

Since 2007, Lt. Muncey has also been in charge of the D.A.R.E. program, which equips children with the tools that will help them avoid negative influences, and, instead, allows them to focus on their strengths and potential.

Lt. Muncey (photo courtesy TGCSO)

Above: Lt. Muncey (photo courtesy TGCSO)

He added, "This event is another positive way we get to interact with the kids in the community. Some of our officers will be out there in their marked units passing out candies, glow sticks, and different little things we want to give out just to give back to the community. There will also be free hot dogs, water and lemonade."  

(photo courtesy TGCSO)

Chick-fil-A will also be there, but hadn't decided yet if it's giving away coupons or the sandwiches just yet. 

"The entire event is free and sponsored by members of the TGCSO. The money was raised by several employees, and we had several sponsors as well to help make this a successful event," Muncey said. "We appreciate all of those who have donated and helped us put on this event for the community."  

He especially wanted to thank Sheriff David Jones, Lt. Stacye Speck, Sgt. Williams, and supervisor of the work crew Patrick McMillan.

"I couldn't have done this without the help of my fellow officers in the department," said Muncey. 

(photo courtesy TGCSO)

He also said it's reassuring for parents to know there is somewhere safe to take the kids rather than trick-or-treating door to door.

"As an added bonus, we will also have a haunted house that is a 'fun scare,' Muncey noted. "Last year, we rented a tent, but this year, we're actually building it." 

(photo courtesy TGCSO)

For those who still go the traditional route of door-to-door trick-or-treating, and have any concerns whatsoever of their candy, Lt Muncey added, "We have X-Ray machines, so if anybody calls with a concern, we can certainly help them out." 

So be sure and stop by the TGCSO this evening, enjoy a few treats, and take a few minutes to get to know those who protect and serve our community.  

"San Angelo is a very unique community, and we have a strong support from the people; I'm honored to work here," said Lt. Muncey. 

For more information on TGCSO, check out its website at, and on Facebook.

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