SAN ANGELO, TX - This Saturday, October 8, the West Texas Down's Syndrome Association will be hosting its 5th Annual Buddy Walk at Kirby park, located at 1401 Edmund Blvd, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Director of the Buddy Walk, Kathy Jones said, "Ours is a one mile walk to promote awareness and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome."
Registration begins at 10 a.m., and it's a family-friendly free event.
Jones added, "We register to keep track of how many people are there; last year, we had a little over 300--23 individuals with Down Syndrome, with the youngest being 8 months old. For this event, there will be games, a balloon artist, a DJ playing music, and the 'Farm for all Animals' will be there as well. At 11 a.m., we will introduce all the people there with Down Syndrome, and then we have our walk around the sidewalk. All of the families, make a sign, and, as you're walking along, you can stop and look at the signs; it's a pretty big deal.

Jones said there will be a raffle after the walk, and the Knights of Columbus, from St. Mary's Church, will be making hamburgers and hot dogs for purchase.
"We will have t-shirts and other West Texas Down's Syndrome Association merchandise, and Kona Ice will be there selling refreshments too," said Jones.
Jones explained that the group doesn't have an actual facility, so "the parents do it all."
She said, "This is our big fundraiser for the year, but, every month, our organization gets together for a meeting. On the even numbered months, we have our formal meetings, and the odd numbered months, Family Fun Day, which are usually on Saturdays, but not always."
Jones said the group also goes to different venues around San Angelo, including swimming, bowling, gymnastics and the park.
"We've also gone to the Abilene Zoo a couple of times, and to Prime Time," she added. "One time, we even charted a bus and went to Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio. Our non-profit organization pays for everything, as there are families with multiple children who don't always go out and do things together. We don't want money to be a factor for them to go out."

For more information, please check out the organization's Facebook page and website
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