Get The Best Deals While Grocery Shopping with App


SAN ANGELO, TX - For San Angelo residents looking to save money while shopping, OurCart shopping app allows users to compare prices at grocery store locations in the community. Thus, residents might find themselves debating between driving to the closest store near their home, or driving out further to go to stores that might have better deals on select items.

The OurCart app allows people to make their shopping list online by searching for a desired item, like two percent milk for example. They can then run a price check comparison to find the best deal at stores, like H-E-B, Walmart, or Market Street, before leaving their home.

Users even have the option of scanning a previous receipt to make a list of all the items purchased during the last shopping trip. After this, the app will show all the items and where in the community they can be found for the cheapest price.  

The app is a community-based initiative. By uploading a receipt, the app will update the price check for all users to keep the community updated with the most accurate prices.  

H-E-B offers something similar with its app.

Bryan Walker, manager at the Sherwood Way H-E-B, explained the app groups together items that would be found in the same aisle while shopping in store, and allows customers to check off products in one go instead of going back and forth between the aisles. The app also uses a scanner to add products to the list while shopping, or uploading a receipt from a previous visit.  

OurCart doesn’t have the information on screen to show exactly where items are located in store, but both apps provide the same purpose, to help customers find what they need at the best price possible.

Both apps can be downloaded for free on a smart phone or tablet for the next shopping trip.   

OurCart also offers a shopping spree giveaway. Those users who upload a valid receipt through the app can receive 500 points towards the monthly drawing with a chance to win back up to $500 dollars for their previous shopping trips. One winner will be selected every month.

Users get 500 points per valid grocery receipt snapped through the app, and 1,000 points = one entry to the giveaway.

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