SAN ANGELO, TX - Angelo Sneaker Exchange is the collaboration of three San Angeloans determined to 'give back' to the children of our community. Event coordinator DeAndre Randle grew up in Houston and said, "I saw it all the time--kids without decent shoes."
For many years, stylish tennis shoes have been the trend as well as an esteem booster.
Randle said, "This is the second event I've hosted locally. I did one back in November, at the Beauregard, and we had a really good turnout. For this one, I teamed up with Henry Mahone, with 'I Heart Yo Sneak,' a non profit organization from Angelo State University, and Martin Figueroa, Jr. We just wanted to do something to give back to the community, and since we all love sneakers, this was it. We're all also really passionate about helping less fortunate kids, so we take donated gently used tennis shoes, clean them up, and give them back into the community."

Between the trio, they've also bought a couple of pairs of shoes on their own, and will be giving them away in 'raffle form,' along with various other prizes such as school backpacks and gift cards.
"Additionally, we will have vendor booths allowing people to buy, sell, and trade; and it doesn't have to be just shoes. We welcome people who are just starting out in any kind of business, trying to get their brand out there; that's what we hope to help with."
As for the location, Randle said, "We have so many people who have voiced an interest in participating that we had to reserve a bigger place than previously anticipated."
Fortunately, Mahone is a student at ASU, and the C.J. Davidson Conference Center, located at 1910 Rosemont Dr, was available for the event.
Randle added, "Right now (for Saturday's event), we have around 14 shoe vendors committed, and we want to get the word out if someone has a booth, they are more than welcome to come out. The more the better. It doesn't have to be just shoes; it can be just about anything from shirts, to hats, watches and more."
For those wanting to sign up, the fee is $50 and 'move-in' time will be at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 3. The event will take place from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Donations to continue the group's mission are always greatly appreciated, for in the end, they do have to pay for the venue rental space. The event organizers are also in the works of creating some kind of application process for recipients.
"Mostly, right now, we just hear by word of mouth that someone is in need and we'll give them a pair along with a 'I heart Yo Sneaks' t-shirt, as no child should do without," said Randle.
When asked why this mission is so important to him, Randle said, "We just want to keep this thing going and even thought about starting our own clothing brand just to help these kids out. My wife tells me all the time I have a big heart, and thankfully, she has been extremely supportive during my entire pursuit."
Very humbly, Randle noted, "Please come out and support the movement. It isn't just about us; it's about San Angelo as a whole. When I first started out by myself, I never knew it would turn out to be something like this. We can all make a big difference when we work together."
So, if you're like many who bought that one pair of sneakers you just had to have and they're still in the box, bring them out, donate, trade or sell them; it will give you the space and just might help someone else.
For more information, check out the event page on Facebook and Twitter @GoDJXclusive and @YoSneaks.
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